Team p0isonp4wn
1. Deal with the Separated Cla6
Category : Forensics

After we downloaded the file and extract, we get a Evidence2.wav.

It’s a wav file or Waveform Audio File, base on the hint “Audacity is my best friend”.
Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software, available for Windows, macOS/OS X and Unix-like operating systems. We gonna use that tool to examine the Evidence2.wav file.

It’s a song by Rick Astley — Never Gonna Give You U, but if you listen carefully and scroll to check the sound waves you may notice something different.

To examine that portion, we must isolate and delete the other sound wave so that we’re able to hear it clear.

Now we got the portion of gibberish sound, even though I isolate that sound wave and adjust the tempo and speed, I can’t still understand what it was saying. I tried to Reverse the sound wave, again, adjust the speed.

After the reverse and tweaks, we now clearly hear and get the message out of that sound wave.
We extract 666c61677b79696b33735f755f6630756e645f6974217d as by experience, we know that it is a Hexadecimal, so we try to convert it using Cyberchef .

The flag is flag{yik3s_u_f0und_it!}
I wish I could upload the wav file here for you to hear.
That’s all for now. Thanks for taking time to read.